you can’t control the weather

Take it from me: I get it.

It’s frustrating when you’ve been counting down the days to the weekend, only for it to rain. To plan your training around a trip only to have conditions not go your way. Or to have season be unusually warmer or colder, starting later or ending earlier than anticipated.

I’ve been in all of those situations including my most recent trip to Las Vegas.

But you can’t control the weather so it’s important to try your best not to let it derail you.

So here's what happened with the weather in Las Vegas.

After driving from Tennessee to our Vegas AirBnB (30 hours!!!), we got in just as it started to rain on a Friday.

Womp womp.

Based on the forecast, the next dry/climbable day outside was Monday.

At first, it felt like I was a football player getting benched during the first game of the season. I had trained hard for this trip and was itching to see if it had paid off.

I felt discouraged and annoyed: since when does it rain in the desert?!

Let’s run a model on this circumstance.

Remember, the circumstance has to be neutral. "The weather is bad” is subjective. For example, a snowy day is considered bad for us climbers but it’s a great weather day for skiers.

Unintentional Model:

Circumstance: it's raining today

Thought: this weather sucks, I wanted to get on my project today and now I’ll never get to send it

Feelings: frustration, anger, disappointment, hopelessness

Action: go to the gym without a plan, complain about weather with friends, meander around without focus

Result: leave gym still feeling frustrated, don't have confidence in ability for project, doesn't try project at all in the coming days

Intentional model:

C: it’s raining today 

T: this isn’t ideal but I can’t control the weather, I can control what I do today to prepare for when I get an opportunity for my project next 

F: motivated to show up well for when the weather gets better

A: go to the gym with a plan to prepare for project, stay focused

R: feel satisfied with gym session, gain confidence in preparedness and ability for project, show up well to project (and send?!)

Managing my mindset during a frustrating circumstance ended up paying off. On Saturday, I went to the gym and did what I needed to do there.

I stayed patient, got outside when I could, and tried to make the best decisions each session for my trip goals (which included actually enjoying the trip!!). 

How do you work around the weather?


group climbing dynamics


age is a circumstance