training fundamentals

Training doesn't need to be complicated.

Doing the simple things well often creates the best results, but simple does not always mean easy.

Here are 3 overlooked training fundamentals you'll need to reach your goals:

1. Volume Management

Many climbers associate training with feeling absolutely wrecked at the end of each session.

They'll go to complete failure: fingers opening up, shoulders disengaging, barely able to open the car door to leave the gym.

However, you shouldn't be leaving your session completely wiped.

You should have some gas left in your tank when you leave the gym.

Going to complete failure puts you in a recovery deficit and increases your injury risk which will push you further from your goals.

2. Recovery

This means proper sleep, nutrition, and rest days.

If you're showing up under-recovered and/or under-fueled, your sessions won't be as productive. You also will not be able to sustain training.

Recovery basics are crucial for the longevity and success of your training.

3. Consistency

Showing up and punching the clock pays off. This means sticking with a program for long enough to see results.

I generally recommend staying with a plan for at least 8 weeks - don't bounce between protocols every 2 weeks.

Lastly, bite off what you can chew. Figure out your priorities and what you can realistically complete on a regular basis.


indoor vs. outdoor climbing


climbing circuits